Learn Cryptocurrency 4 Free With Bitcoin Bully - EZ-MONEY-MY-AZZ

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Friday, February 28, 2020

Learn Cryptocurrency 4 Free With Bitcoin Bully

Bitcoin Bully

Hey What's sup?

I've always been a skeptic and the last one to jump on board when it comes to the next "Big Deal". I was the last one in my age group to get a cell phone. Now i wonder how i survived so long without one.

Thirty years ago, working the oil feilds in Oklahoma, and old hand told me that a man my age, if he was smart, would invest his extra money into two small companies that he felt would dominate their respective industries. His picks were Walmart and Waste Management.

Needless to say, I regretfully passed on the old man's advice.

Around nine years ago I was working a job in California. Everyone was talking about a new currency called Bitcoin. And they were dishing out big bucks to ge it. Some were investing as much as $30,000 at a time.

I didn't say anything for awhile. Just sat back with a smile thinking about the time everyone was absolutely positive that the Vietnamese Dong was going to revalue and about the 20,000 Dong i had sitting in my sock drawer collecting dust.

All this took place in 2011. The price of bitcoin then $31.00 and the price today $8,667.77.

Obviously, I have horrible judgment when it comes to investing. This is also why i stay away from casinos!

What Is Bitcoin Bully?

Bitcoin Bully is a free to join platform that provides an indroduction into the world of cryptocurrency. Which, for first time users can be completely mind boggling.

They have easy to follow videos that explain the "blockchain" and Bitcoin and how it all works.

Bitcoin Bully is free to join and provides a great service for anyone wanting to learn about cryptocurrencies.

Affiliate Programs 

Bitcoin Bully is a learning platform, not an earning platform. However, there are several programs recommended by Bitcoin Bully that do provide affiliate programs and a chance for you to earn a little jingle.

Sign up for your free training today
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