List Building Profits - Your First 500 Subscribers - EZ-MONEY-MY-AZZ

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Monday, June 15, 2020

List Building Profits - Your First 500 Subscribers

Getting Started: 

"We’ve all heard the saying that the “money is in the list”, but how many of us are actively building our email list? From my experience online I have come to realize that while most of us understand the need for a subscriber list, most people are not sure how to go about setting one up and building it".

That’s what this report will try to solve, the problem of not knowing where to start building your list and how to to start getting subscribers on your new list. As you will soon read, getting to 500 subscribers in 30 days is a very reasonable goal, you will just need to focus on certain steps and take action. So let’s get started!

Table Of Contents
Introduction......................................................... 7
Step #1: Funnel Creation....................................11
Squeeze Page.........................................................13
Giveaway (incentive)..........................................17
One - Time Offer (OTO).......................................32
Down-Sell Offer....................................................33
Step #2: Autoresponder Set-up.........................34
Step #3: Traffic Generation................................37
Step #4: Squeeze Page Design...........................40


List building is all about connecting with your target audience by offering them high quality information products and in exchange they subscribe to your email list. 

Who is my targeted audience?

Your targeted audience is anyone that is already interested in and actively seeking the product and or service that you are promoting. 

They are highly motivated and ready to take action. For Example, signing up for a membership to your website, subscribing to your email newsletter or making a purchase.
Once a subscriber is a confirmed member of your list, you can begin sending promotional follow up emails in balance with relevant and useful content based on your overall market ( niche )

Keep in mind that A BIG List of 100,000 Subscribers Means Absolutely NOTHING Unless Your Readers are Actively Opening and VIEWING Your Emails!"

What would happen if your girlfriend or boyfriend didn't contact you for weeks? Would you assume the relationship was over? Would you be annoyed? How quickly would you pick up the phone when they called again?

Well here's the thing. It works the same with your subscribers, you are in a relationship with them and you need to show them love!

You need to keep in contact with them and maintain the relationship in order to make future sales. Your relationship and the quality of it is the most important thing that you have. Without it you are just another mail in their inbox waiting to get deleted.

Another thing to keep in mind, the internet is Full of distractions, so you need to maintain your presence in the eyes of your subscribers. When you manage to keep their attention and maintain the relationship the money will follow.

The REALITY is You NEED to start Building a Quality List from Day 1 to Feed Your Online Business the fuel it needs to grow ....Or you'll end up Spinning Your Wheels not making any money and wondering " What The Hell Am I Doing Wrong?"

If you were to ask me, what's the one thing you need to do to be successful at making money online? I would tell you:

Build a list!!!

And the reason is simple. It's a lot harder to gain a new customer in today's market, then it is to sell to an existing one: Fact!

It's all about having control over your own situation. When you have a list built you can drive traffic at will to any site you choose, and that means that you can effectively write your own paycheck.  

Any time you want traffic, you have it there on demand without begging the search engines and PPC networks for more expensive cold traffic that doesn't convert.

When you build your list, you are creating an asset that can generate income and has value. You are investing in your future. Isn't it time for you to stop thinking short term and let your online business venture's look after you long term?
If you are tired of watching everyone else make all of the money online while you just sit back receiving promo email after promo email wishing that it was YOUR product that they were selling, then you most definitely need to start building a quality mailing list and change your position. 

“Top Marketers Send Out Promotion Emails Every Day (even Twice a Day) Because Every Single Email is Guaranteed Profit...
Email marketers (like you!) collect leads using a combination of squeeze pages and opt-in forms. These forms are generated by your autoresponder provider and are embedded into the HTML code of your squeeze page template.

Each time a visitor to your squeeze page enters in their name and email address, they are added to your mailing list database, and become an active subscriber of your newsletter.

List building helps faciliate the process of converting subscribers into active customers, since once your prospect has been added to your mailing list, you are able to develop a relationship with them, this will encourage sales as well as repeat sales (which will make up the larger majority of your email marketing income).

The biggest problem most of us have when attempting to build a list is not knowing where to start. As you will soon read, getting your first 500 subscribers in 30 days is a very reasonable goal, it's going to take some work on your part and you will need to focus on certain steps in this guide and then take action. So let’s get started!

To get your "FREE COPY" of this 78 page report and build your own profit pulling list of subscribers, simply click this link >>> List Building Profits 

To Your Health Wealth And Prosperity 

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