Top List Builders To Grow Your List Quickly For Maximum Profitability - EZ-MONEY-MY-AZZ

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Saturday, June 6, 2020

Top List Builders To Grow Your List Quickly For Maximum Profitability


The first List Builder took the Internet by storm in 2005. Since then they’ve established themselves as a powerful marketing tool and hundreds of professional marketers from all over the world are using them to generate leads and make more sales.

There are now dozens of  List Builders online but there’s a core of around 20 sites which are consistently proving themselves by delivering results for their members.

At the time of writing, this hardcore group of sites has a combined membership base in excess of half a million users. To contact that many prospects is very powerful, however if you compare that figure with the millions of people trying to make money online, it proves that List Builders are still a hidden gem...

A Little Known Marketing Resource Just Waiting To Be Tapped Into.

This post is designed to give you an introduction to List Builders as well as the current top List Builders. Keep reading to discover the tactics used by professional marketers, and find out how List Builders can explode your business!

What is a List Builder?

A List Builder is a membership site which is designed to drive targeted traffic to your website - simple description. 

They’re based on an advertising exchange model: 

“You view my website and I’ll view yours.”

This is a very simple concept but it’s been proven to work time and time again.

Basic advertising exchanges, or traffic exchanges, have been around for a number of years - however List Builders offer a whole new concept which is far more powerful than the original systems.

The traffic exchange model was taken as a base starting  point, and then new features built on top to develop what’s now known as a List Builder. 

The introduction of a ‘mailer’ allows members to contact thousands of prospects at the push of a button, and it was this feature that set List Builders on fire!

Many List Builders also offer incentives, which are attached to the mailer, and it encourages members to read your ads. This works like gangbusters!

The most common incentives are credit based. The credits members earn can be redeemed for additional advertising of their own site.

We’ll go on to talk about more of the features later in the post. For now it’s important to understand that List Builders do an awesome job of getting your 
messages delivered, clicked and read - and by utilizing some of the top List Builders services available today for free, you’ll be able to see some astonishing conversion rates as well!
Members of List Builders are all ‘double opt-in’ subscribers, which means they fully understand the advertising concept and are eager to view your offers. 

They’ve confirmed their membership by clicking a confirmation link - so there’s a next to zero chance of being reported for spam, as everyone involved has already agreed to receive emails (a lot of emails) with understanding that doing so is mutually beneficial. 

As previously mentioned, there are hundreds of professional marketers already using List Builders to promote their business…

But the real beauty of List Builders is in the thousands of new marketers who are joining in droves every single day!

These are the members you’ll want to target with your product, or consider offering yourself as a mentor to help them achieve their goals. Many are new to online marketing and are looking for answers or guidance.

These are members most likely to make a purchase from you - especially if it’s a product they actually need, or better service than what they currently use.

List Builders vs. Traditional Lists

There are several key differences between a List Builder and a traditional mailing list. The main difference is the incentive given to members of List Builders to view your offer. With a traditional mailing list your email might hit the recipients inbox but the only incentive you’ll have for them to open your email is the Subject line. 

Whereas a List Builders offers incentives for your email to be opened and read - usually in the form of credits (or in some cases such as at - members can actually win cash prizes for reading emails!)
Once your mail has been opened the rest of the conversion process depends on your contentEven the most successful marketers struggle to get their emails opened - the credits based mailer helps you to achieve this easily.
The Simple Fact Is, That By Using List Builders Your Emails Will Be Read.

Another winner for List Builders over tradition lists is the ability to build and
e-mail your entire downline on a regular basis. 

This powerful ‘snowball effect’, taken from the MLM industry, has been built into all of the top List Builders. A traditional mailing list would be classed as single-tier because all the opt-ins would come from your own efforts - whereas with a List Builder you can gain from others below you in the downline

As members of your downline promote and build the List Builder they will also be building your downline and allow you to mail more prospects on a regular basis.

This MLM type feature is a huge advantage over traditional lists and will get you fast results

You might have also heard the terms ‘Safelist’ or ‘Blaster’ used in Internet Marketing. This is a common misconception, but it’s important to note:

A Safelist Is Not The Same Thing As A List Builder - Not Even Close!

With a safelist every member can email every other member. This can soon add up to a vast amount of emails being exchanged, and in return you can expect to receive an "unmanageable" amount of messages.

This means that when your offer is sent out to a safelist it will end up in an inbox with thousands of other emails and is very unlikely to be opened.

It's also possible (and very likely), that other safelist members will just create a junk folder and redirect the thousands of emails away from their inbox so they never get opened.

The sales copy at some of the Safelists boast of being able to email 5 million members. That might be so, but there's not much point in hitting millions of email accounts if nobody is reading your message. You’ll likely just get your domain blacklisted from all the spam complaints :)

I’ve personally tested a huge number of Safelist programs to see if they are a viable traffic source - and with a very few exceptions, I’ve had very little success. As a result, I don’t recommend Safelists to my members, and we don’t use them in our marketing efforts.

If you’ve heard otherwise - consider the source and make an educated decision.
Honestly though… If you wanted to email 5 million contacts that would be even remotely interested in an offer, you should expect to pay thousands of dollars - so their offers are just unrealistic.

You know what they say… If it sounds too good to be true… it probably is.

The difference with List Builders is that they have constraints on them which only allow the delivery of 10 to 50 emails a day to each member (and normally the member selects how many messages they want to receive - if any!)

This instantly boosts the chances of your email being read. This is a much more manageable level for members, and it prevents overwhelming. Members can spend just a few minutes each day reading the emails in their inbox, earning credits and paying special attention to emails that they feel could benefit them.

One other important note that puts List Builders way ahead of the rest… The top programs that we’ll introduce you to shortly are all managed by professional teams that are dedicated to keeping spammers out, activity up and email deliverability high- these are all very important points that mean better results for you.

Soo, now that you have a basic understanding of List Builders and the benefits of taking advantage of their free services and tools, here is our Top Picks for List Builders To Grow Your List Quickly For Maximum Profitability.......

Would you read just one mail per day to earn greater and greater rewards each day?

List Jumper has introduced consecutive loyalty bonuses! 

The longer you go by reading at least one email per day, the more advertising you earn... and there is no limit to how Big the Prizes can get or how many consecutive days you can go!

See it for yourself and start sending your own ads to this responsive list!

Try ListJumper For Free >>> HERE

P.S. Claim reward code: NEWJUMPER after you join to get 300 bonus credits just for reading your first 10 mails!

Profitable Email Marketing

How would you like to get increased rewards over time just for earning mailing credits?

adchiever has done it!

The more advertising you earn for yourself, the greater rewards you receive...

  1. Free upgrades 
  2. Login Page Ads 
  3. Banner Ads 
  4. Or even more bonus mailing credits.

No longer are you stuck clicking credit links just to earn mailing credits, you can get..... MORE !!!

Try Adchiever For Free >>> HERE

Also, if you are upgraded as you complete your 'challenges' you will earn even greater rewards, so make sure to check out the awesome offer after you join!

P.S. If you join now, you will get 300 Mailing
Credits to use right away, this offer may not
last - don't delay!

Take advantage of this Free Offer today >>> Adchiever 

ViralAdStore has been proving itself as a successful mailer for 10 years! And for 2020/2021, it's going to be even BIGGER and BETTER!

New members are flooding through the door as the CTR shoots up (meaning your emails get read) and the OTO and Sales copy has been improved for you to make even more commissions.

ViralAdStore is also jam packed full of super cool features that won't find at any other site...

Try Viraladstore For Free >>> HERE

It has a unique viral feature that will explode your downline and just blow you away. Every day Greg will send out the Jackpot email for two lucky winners. If you're first to open it then the prize is yours!

But... watch this carefully though as Greg plans to throw in some really BIG prizes.

I did say two lucky winners right? If one of your referrals wins, then the prize is 100% matched to YOU. The more referrals you have, the more chance you have of winning. This feature alone gives you the perfect reason to promote ViralAdStore

But I have another...

Each time you hit a milestone for referring you'll receive a bonus. This could result in an extra 100,000 hits to your site every year. If you want quality traffic to your site and the chance of winning some awesome prizes then join...

ViralAdstore >>> HERE

We all know that advertising is one of the lifebloods of your business. You could have the most incredible products in the world, but if no one knows you exist, you won't make any sales.

Traditional traffic methods are great and they work well. The only problem is they are typically time consuming, a lot of work, or expensive. You definitely need to look at getting traffic in different ways.

But today I'm going to show you something that's easy, effective, fast, and cheap. 

It's called EliteSafelist, and it's +owned by a very respected Internet Marketer, Solomon Huey.

Try EliteSafeList For Free >>> HERE

EliteSafelist is your instant solution to getting traffic to your websites in minutes. How does it work exactly? 

Imagine having a mailing list of thousands of double opt-in subscribers that you could email and tell them about your offers. Sounds great, right? It's just hard to build that kind of list.

Well, EliteSafelist has fixed that problem by building a huge membership of thousands of people who are actually excited to hear from you and what you have to offer. By becoming a member, you can contact these people and tell them about your favorite programs!

Here's 3 steps to start reaching thousands of people literally in minutes:

1) Join EliteSafelist

2) Send a mailing to its members

3) Earn mailing credits by reading emails and clicking the credit links at the bottom.

That's it! Easy right?

Yes, it's a powerful advertising program that will bring you guaranteed website traffic. But it does much more than that if you use it properly.

When you refer new members to EliteSafelist, you get rewarded several ways, which helps you save time and make more money. 

If you refer just one upgraded member, you get......

  1. Tons of mailing credits to send advertisements at EliteSafelist
  2. Commissions every single month the member stays upgraded
  3.  Commissions on every credit purchase
  4. A downline builder system where your referrals could become your downline in multiple programs

What's most powerful is the residual commissions. Just for telling one person about EliteSafelist, you could get paid for years for making a sale just once! 

And of course, that doesn't include the advertising credits you earn, commissions for credit purchases, and building your downlines. 

They even give you professionally made tools that you can use to get referrals right away, like emails, banners, reviews, signatures, and more.

When you join EliteSafelist, you'll automatically become a part of their incredible affiliate program that saves you time, advertises your business, and makes you more money. 

Visit the link below and sign up for EliteSafelist:
Become an EliteSafelist affiliate >>> HERE

The Most Responsive Free Internet Safelist Advertising since 2003!

GOT Safelist FREE Membership Features

 FREE Membership
Top Notch Credit Based Safelist System...
Receive 10,000 GOTCredits when you open a FREE account
Earn 2,500 GOTCredits for each FREE member you refer
Earn up to 10,000 GOTCredits for each PRO member you refer
Collect residual GOTCredits for being active PLUS for your referrals staying active
Ability to turn your GOTCredits into REAL CASH
Receive REAL CASH for click links
Send Your Ads to THOUSANDS of Readers DAILY...
Email your ad to our double opt-in list
Email your ad to 4,000 readers DAILY
Send text emails up to 5,000 characters in length
You can save and manage up to 3 ads to our system
Complete vacation settings options
FREE Quality Traffic & Banner advertising...
Earn FREE traffic to your site everytime you send out ads to our safelist
Earn FREE traffic to your site everytime you post ads to our ONLINE safelist ads system
Readers are required to view our site for seconds, increase qualify traffic
Receive FREE Thumbnail views of your website everytime readers view your ad and click for credits
Post your banner ads on designated areas of our website for FREE
Receive GOTCredits and FREE Banner impressions for click links
Other Great FREE benefits...
Opportunity to WIN GOTCredits from our monthly Hotlinks contest and Referral contest
Opportunity to WIN GOTCredits from our bi-weekly Lottery drawing
Opportunity to WIN our credits, banner or CASH jackpots when clicking for credits
Update your account 

Sign Up For Your Free Got Safelist >>> HERE

Throughout their 10 year history, the Admins at SOTAM are asked if Safelists/Mailers can actually produce sales to business opportunities. While no Admin can guarantee members will buy what is being sold on their sites, SOTAM has a proven history of members that spend money. 

In their 10 years online, there has been 36,598 purchases of upgraded memberships, Full Page Ads, and Viral Banner Ads bought by 6483 unique buyers. 

That should tell you two things: 

1) There are buyers here.
2) There are repeat buyers here!

Does that mean you will be able to sell your offers here? That is up to you and what you are offering. All I can say is that the buyers are here if your offer appeals to them and I want to advertise where there is a long proven history of sales and repeat sales happening!

Here are some other numbers to check out.... 

  1. No monthly subscription option via Bitcoin
  2. Proven and Stable... 10 years old!
  3. 40,353 members
  4. Ranked #1 by Hoopla for years! 
  5. NEVER a missed payment during that time
  6. 2,155,687,560 emails sent since launch
  7. 74,430,585 million clicks (ads opened) generated
  8. 406,162,611 Time-Bonus Banner Ad views
  9. $405,229.35 in commissions earned by members 
  10. High commission potential
  11. Multiple membership levels available

If you want a system with members that spend money, SOTAM has a history of thousands of purchases and repeat purchases for over 10 years so join now!

Sign Up For Your Free SOTAM membership >>> HERE

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Profitable Email Marketing