Traffic Exchanges VS Safelist Mailers - EZ-MONEY-MY-AZZ

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Monday, March 2, 2020

Traffic Exchanges VS Safelist Mailers

Why I Love Safelist Mailers

Traffic Exchanges vs Safelist Mailers

Safelist mailers can be a great opportunity to get your product and or services out there and seen by hundreds of prospects every day.

Safelist Mailers function similarly to traffic exchanges. You earn credits by viewing emails sent to you by other members. You then take the credits you've earned and use them to get other members to view your email campaigns.

There are a few differences in how the two should be used.....

Traffic Exchanges

With traffic exchanges you have between 10 and 30 seconds to grab my attention enough for me to take action (click on your link).

The problem is, im not on the exchange shopping for any particular product or service. My motivation for being there is the same as yours. To earn credits, get my campaigns viewed and lead generation.

Safelist Mailers

Safelist Mailers on the other hand, provide you with three separate opportunities to get a conversion using one single email.

Im still there for the same reasons as traffic exchanges, to earn poins to fund my own campaigns.

However, the process has changed and the odds have tipped slightly in your favor. I now have to view your "salespage" three times in order to collect credits.

1)When I first open your email.

This is where your sales letter comes into play. You have an unlimited amount of time ( if you can grab my attention and keep it ).

2) When I click your link

In order to get credited, I have to click your link and view your add for the next 10 to 30 seconds.

3) After visiting your site

When your ad has run for it's specified amount of time I have to close out your link and I'm back to your email once again (sales letter).

You get three shots at getting a conversion from a single email campaign.

And it works. I just downloaded a new ebook thirty minutes ago.


Statistically, on average splash pages convert 2.35% of the time while an email ad campaign converts 1 out of every hundred.

Now, do I believe these numbers? 

I've been in affiliate marketing for the last three years. Experience has taught me this...

There is more value in researchers statistics, even if different groups very in opinion and in numbers, than there is in believing your going to show me how to make $3,500 a day in passive income.

One thing i found that the majority of experts do agree on despite the vast differences in percentages is that email is still king.

Some are going to argue that those email campaigns are completely different. Using the most advanced technology to target quality traffic that is already motivated to take action .

I would argue back, who is more motivated to take action then a marketer who views hundreds of ads daily to fund his campaign because he's broke?

Another reason I love Safelist

Safelist Mailers allow you to advertise pretty much anything within reason without fear of being blocked or banned.


Because everyone participating in safelist mailers has signed up and agreed to view your promotional material .


I typically generate 100 unique visits a day. Since adding safelist mailers to my toolbox, I now generate between  250 and 300 views a day, and average 1 conversion daily.

These are pretty decent numbers!

My Picks....

1) Viral Safelist Mailer

2) Viral Commissions

3) Fast List Mailer

4) Viral Mail Profits

5) Email - Hog

There you have it, my picks for the top five safelist mailers and why you should be doing them.....

To Your Health Wealth & Prosperity

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