Fastest Ways To Make Money Online - EZ-MONEY-MY-AZZ

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Monday, July 13, 2020

Fastest Ways To Make Money Online

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Fastest Ways To Make Money Online

Learn how you can quickly make money online


Easy to implement tactics to make money online very quickly ... from the luxury of your home


The Fastest Ways to Make Money Online

Let's be honest with each other:

All of us will, at some point, face some of the following situations sooner or later:

  1. Bills are due, and I'm short on cash. 

  2. Unexpected time off work. 

  3. Medical bills for a sudden illness. 

  4. Car needs new tires and an oil change.

Living paycheck to paycheck is tough, it's double tough when you have unexpected expenses come up.

'Having a job' isn't good enough anymore!!! It's no guarantee of security, and it really shackles you in many ways.

A couple years ago British politician Alan Milburn was quoted saying "work is not a cure for poverty".

In my mind, I think it's better to say working stupidly is not a cure for poverty.

By that I mean, you could be working hard but it doesn't move you forward in terms of getting you out of the situation you're in.

Your average minimum wage worker will work like a dog eight hours a day, forty hours a week, but what does it matter if at the end of the month, after paying all your basic living expenses, there's nothing much, if anything at all, to show for it?

You can take control of your financial situation or your financial situation will forever control you !!!

Have you exhausted all your creative strategies and resources trying to make money online?

Are you feeling discouraged after a string of failed attempts at cracking the code of cyberspace trends?

Have you been feeling a cash crunch and wondering how you will accomplish your goal of becoming financially independent?

Are you ready to throw in the towel?

WAIT..... don't give up just yet !!!

I was in this same situation.....

The first year I tried MMO ( making money online) was disappointing to put it mildly. I was bringing in right at $175.00 a week . It was consistent, but hardly anything to jump up and down about, and nowhere near enough to go full time.

I would (and sometimes still do) put in 16 hour days researching, trying new programs, reading the latest e-books, and completing different bootcamps.

I pretty much did what anybody with a name in the business said to do.
I had three websites, a graphic design shop and two blogs. However, for all my work and long hours I wasn't seeing any increase in profits.

In fact, in my frenzied search for the ever elusive "$2,500 a day in passive income, so easy yo momma could do it" program. I had neglected my tried and true money makers, as a result by the end of my second year, I was making less than I had at the end of my first year.


I had to pump the brakes, and evaluate my situation.

I had to separate myself from all the noise and chaos around me.

I had a bad case of S.O.S "shiny object syndrome", or as I like to refer to them "Hunting Sasquatch Programs". Overnight rags to riches programs that promise vast wealth, but always seen to fall short on the delivery.

Sure, I want to believe they exist, and every once in awhile a grainy photo with "Proof Of Payment" will surface that kinda sorta looks legit.
But, at the end of the day, there is no proof positive that they are real.

Sooo, now what?

So now, I go back to the basics.

I already had programs that were making me money, $175 weekly. All of which are based on a very simple and straightforward system. If I do the work, they pay me, now that is something I can wrap my head around. If I want more money, I simply scale it up !!!!

Progress is a slow process when your moving in tight circles !!!

Earn your first $200 IN YOUR FIRST WEEK !!!

I want to share with you my two latest publications, at no cost to you whatsoever....


Because every program, method, technique, tip and trick to making money online in these two ebooks are tried-n-true and proven to work if you know how to work them, by yours truly.

If they are "All That" than why are you giving them away?

Well, I wasn't.

I was selling them for $10.00 each.

I've been blessed to be able to do this fulltime for just over a year. And there are a lot of people struggling financially right now and desperately looking for ways to not just supplement their incomes but to provide for their basic needs.

I'm doing okay, so I'd like to think I'm giving back to the community and helping in some small way.

However, don't get it twisted ..... business is business. Whether it's conducted in our physical world or in our virtual world. I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't have a dog in the fight, and I'm not living off of love.

I will benefit from giving these ebooks away, just not at your expense :-)

Set 'n' Forget
Traffic And Cash Profit System

The Ultimate Viral PDF For Floods Of Hands-Free Traffic & Cash!!!

In This Ebook You're Going To Learn....

1) The One "Evergreen" Niche You Can't Fail With
2) The Checklist For Choosing The 'Perfect' Offer
3) The Best Free Viral Advertising Websites
4) How To Set Up A Viral Traffic Cycle
5) How You Can Build 4 Downlines At Once Using This Free Ebook ( hint: free rebranding rights! )
6) How To Make Piles Of Easy Cash Commissions
And soo much more.......

Put all these elements together and create a money-maker that runs on autopilot !!!

Download Your Free Copy >>> HERE

My latest publication EZ-MONEY-MY-AZZ issue #1 is 84 pages packed with articles, methods, tips, and tricks that I personally use to supplement my income to the tune of $3,000 a month.

Not impressed with the numbers?

Hey, I hear you.

I can show you a slew of forums and membership websites where every single member is promoting the infamous "$2,500 a day in passive income, no experience required, so easy yo momma could do it program ". Good luck with that!!!

I'm not saying it doesn't exist, I'm just saying that after three years of chasing the beast I have yet to find one that didn't come with a substantial financial investment and or a solid knowledge base of all the various and complex working parts that make up a successful online business.

Even if you opt for the "Big Money" program, you'll need funding to support your venture. Taking away from your monthly income defeats the purpose of trying to make money online, right?

Below I've listed three GPT ( get-paid-to, performance based ) websites that I peronally use to make $25.00 a day every single day.
I know by now your probably accustomed to seeing promises with much larger numbers?

Let's look at it this way......

$25.00 × 7 = $175.00 week
$175.00 × 4 = $700.00 month
$700.00 × 12 = $8,400 year

Not to shabby, of course these numbers will fluctuate a bit. There are days that I just can't make myself do it. Even so, these sites are my most consistent and reliable source of income.

How to supplement your income with ....

1) Paid Surveys - has a large selection of surveys to choose from that are updated daily. The surveys are provided by third party partners and used for market research. After signing up, go to your "Earn Money" tab in the main menu of your dashboard. This will open a selection of advertisers and surveys you can choose from. Each survey listed will show you two things, How much it pays and the estimated time it should take to complete. On each survey will typically pay between $0.40 - $1.50 and take anywhere from 5 - 20 minutes to complete with the longer surveys having the higher payouts.

2) Offerwalls - You can also earn by completing offers on the "Offer Wall" which include ....
  • Downloading Apps
  • Paid To Click
  • Paid To Call (USA Only)
  • Paid To Watch Videos
  • Paid Trial Offers
3) Hosted Offer Walls - also hosts offer walls from several third party advertisers.

4) Referral Program - also offers the opportunity to earn through their referral program. When your referral completes a survey, offer or task, you will be credited with 25% of what they earned.

Getting Paid - has No Minimum requirement to request payment. To get paid, find the "Rewards" tab from your dashboard. It will tell you how much you've earned and ask how much you'd like to withdrawal. Once you've entered the amount you'll get a notification stating that it could take between 24 - 48 hours for you to receive your payment. I've been using for over six months. From my personal experience, it has never taken them longer then 2hrs to have the money in my PayPal account.

You can be paid through Paypal, Bitcoin, Skrill, or exchange for Tango giftcards which you can use on Amazon, Starbucks and Nike Macys.

You Can Start Earning With >>> HERE


SurveyJunkie has been around since 2005. They have a solid reputation for paying and a phenomenal customer service department. I'm that guy, if you tell me to expect my account to be credited in 24 hours, I start getting a little anxious around the 23hr mark.

The only reason they are not listed as #1 - There is limited earning options..... you have Surveys and their Affiliate Program.

They still rank high in my opinion for their longevity, reputation, customer service, they will pay you a little something for your time when you don't qualify for a survey and they have a $5.00 minimum payout.

Survey Junkie is a good solid brand that understands the importance of customer appreciation. Some of these big hotshot brands could learn a thing or two from Survey Junkie.


Qmee is a free browser and mobile app that allows you to earn real cash rewards for sharing your opinion and for engaging with your favorite brands. With the Qmee mobile app, you can get paid to take surveys on the go - share your opinions with paid surveys, and you’ll get a cash reward for each one you complete. When you do surveys for money, Qmee adds your rewards to your piggybank in real time. You can also enjoy their no minimum cashout on your earnings - meaning you can have your cash rewards at any time. You can earn by ......

  1. Surveys

  2. Offer Wall

  3. Using Their Browser

  4. Shopping Online

  5. Referral Program 

You now have three GPT websites that are free to join and free to use that you can easily add $8,400 to your annual income by simply putting in two hours a day and reaching your $25.00 daily goal. And there is no cap, so if your really ambitious, the skies the limit !!!
These three, for whatever reason, are not included in Fastest Ways To Make Money Online. But were added here as an afterthought and to give an example of one section that you'll find in Fastest Ways To Make Money Online, which you can download  >>> HERE

And last but not least, I offer you my very first Ebook  - List Building Profits !!!

Getting Started: "We’ve all heard the saying that the “money is in the list”, but how many of us are actively building our email list?

From my experience online I have come to realize that while most of us understand the need for a subscriber list, most people are not sure how to go about setting one up and building it".

That’s what this report will try to solve, the problem of not knowing where to start building your list and how to start getting subscribers on your new list.

As you will soon read, getting to 500 subscribers in 30 days is a very reasonable goal, you will just need to focus on certain steps and take action.

So let’s get started!

Table Of Contents
Introduction......................................................... 7
Step #1: Funnel Creation..................................11
Squeeze Page.......................................................13
Giveaway (incentive).........................................17
One - Time Offer (OTO).....................................32
Down-Sell Offer...................................................33
Step #2: Autoresponder Set-up.......................34
Step #3: Traffic Generation..............................37
Step #4: Squeeze Page Design.........................40


List building is all about connecting with your target audience by offering them high quality information products and in exchange they subscribe to your email list.

Who is my targeted audience?

Your targeted audience is anyone that is already interested in and actively seeking the product and or service that you are promoting. They are highly motivated and ready to take action.

For Example, signing up for a membership to your website, subscribing to your email newsletter or making a purchase.

Once a subscriber is a confirmed member of your list, you can begin sending promotional follow up emails in balance with relevant and useful content based on your overall market ( niche )

Keep in mind that A BIG List of 100,000 Subscribers Means Absolutely NOTHING Unless Your Readers are Actively Opening and VIEWING Your Emails!"

What would happen if your girlfriend or boyfriend didn't contact you for weeks?

Would you assume the relationship was over?

Would you be annoyed?

How quickly would you pick up the phone when they called again?

Well here's the thing. It works the same with your subscribers, you are in a relationship with them and you need to show them love! You need to keep in contact with them and maintain the relationship in order to make future sales.

Your relationship and the quality of it is the most important thing that you have. Without it you are just another mail in their inbox waiting to get deleted.

Another thing to keep in mind, the internet is Full of distractions, so you need to maintain your presence in the eyes of your subscribers. When you manage to keep their attention and maintain the relationship the money will follow.

The REALITY is You NEED to start Building a Quality List from Day 1 to Feed Your Online Business the fuel it needs to grow ....Or you'll end up Spinning Your Wheels not making any money and wondering " What The Hell Am I Doing Wrong?"

If you were to ask me, what's the one thing you need to do to be successful at making money online?

I would tell you: Build a list!!!

And the reason is simple. It's a lot harder to gain a new customer in today's market, then it is to sell to an existing one: Fact!

It's all about having control over your own situation. When you have a list built you can drive traffic at will to any site you choose, and that means that you can effectively write your own paycheck. Any time you want traffic, you have it there on demand without begging the search engines and PPC networks for more expensive cold traffic that doesn't convert.

When you build your list, you are creating an asset that can generate income and has value. You are investing in your future.

Isn't it time for you to stop thinking short term and let your online business venture's look after you long term?

If you are tired of watching everyone else make all of the money online while you just sit back receiving promo email after promo email wishing that it was YOUR product that they were selling, then you most definitely need to start building a quality mailing list and change your position.

“Top Marketers Send Out Promotion Emails Every Day (even Twice a Day) Because Every Single Email is Guaranteed Profit... Email marketers (like you!) collect leads using a combination of squeeze pages and opt-in forms.

These forms are generated by your autoresponder provider and are embedded into the HTML code of your squeeze page template. Each time a visitor to your squeeze page enters in their name and email address, they are added to your mailing list database, and become an active subscriber of your newsletter.

List building helps faciliate the process of converting subscribers into active customers, since once your prospect has been added to your mailing list, you are able to develop a relationship with them, this will encourage sales as well as repeat sales (which will make up the larger majority of your email marketing income).

The biggest problem most of us have when attempting to build a list is not knowing where to start.

As you will soon read, getting your first 500 subscribers in 30 days is a very reasonable goal, it's going to take some work on your part and you will need to focus on certain steps in this guide and then take action.
To get your "FREE COPY" of this 78 page report and build your own profit pulling list of subscribers, simply click this link >>> HERE

You can also check out my review blog ....

Most of the ranked review sites you'll visit have never actually tried the product or service they are reviewing. At EZ-MONEY-MY-AZZ I personally subscribe to all the latest products and programs in affiliate marketing, GPT, PTP, CPA' CPD's, Turnkey Websites etc..... Basically, I try various "Ways To Make Money Online" and share with you the ones that I found to be the most profitable. Visit EZ-MONEY-MY-AZZ  >>> HERE

To Your Health Wealth And Prosperity


How To Get More Website Visitors

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