Work From Home Businesses You Can Start Today - EZ-MONEY-MY-AZZ

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Sunday, July 12, 2020

Work From Home Businesses You Can Start Today

Work & Earn as an Online Assistant

Start Working & Earning Online

Discover how to become an 'Online Assistant' and get paid to do freelance work, complete tasks & projects, all from the comfort of your home on behalf of companies 'that pay'!

CLICKEARNERS.COM empowers all kinds of people around the world to have the work/life balance they desire and earn the income they deserve by showing them how to work remotely as an ‘Online Assistant’.

An Online Assistant is someone who undertakes work, completes tasks and projects on behalf of companies on a freelance basis.

At ClickEarners, they provide their members with all the training, resources and support they need via their comprehensive online portal to make your work from home dream a reality. Their goal is to inspire, educate and motivate.

Various tasks & projects available for you to choose from:

  1. Data Entry / Input
  2. Typing & Writing
  3. Sales & Marketing
  4. Customer Services
  5. Online Research
  6. Surveys
  7. Virtual Assistant
  8. Envelope Filling
  9. Mystery Shopping
  10. Admin & Secretarial
  11. Social Media Management
  12. Product Testing

Totally flexible - set your own working hours

Work from home or anywhere with an internet connection

Suitable for any age, ability or background

How It Works

1. Register with ClickEarners - it takes just seconds
2. Activate your account & login to the members area
3. Follow the simple instructions to start working & earning!

Join ClickEarners today and work from the best place in the world; your home.

Ready to get started? Register Now >>> ClickEarners

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Have you considered the lucrative opportunity in finder’s fees?
You could become a professional finder and earn a fortune from this alone.

Alternatively, you could supplement your present income with finder’s fees.

A finder is someone who finds something for a person or business. The amount paid for this service is called a finder’s fee.

What is the difference between a finder and a broker or commissioned salesperson?

A broker or commissioned salesperson gets paid a percentage of the sale made. Usually, such person acts as an agent for the owner of the goods or services sold. He becomes actively engaged with the sales process, supplying information to facilitate the sale, negotiates the contract, arranges financing, and completes paper work.

On the other hand, a finder simply introduces a buyer to a seller for a fee. He does not become involved in the sales process and is not an agent acting on behalf of the seller. The best areas to earn finder’s fees are those in which you already have expertise and interest.

For example, if you are an expert on airplanes and have connections in the aviation industry, you could earn finder’s fees finding suitable planes for those needing them.

You can earn finder’s fees in many areas including equipment (used or new), equipment leasing, finding locations for franchises or vending, scarce materials, commodities, financing, etcetera.

Connections are the inventory of a finder. You are being paid to find something of value by someone who doesn’t know where (or doesn’t have the time) to find it.

Your knowledge of where and who to get something from is invaluable information that people are willing to pay for.

Protect yourself with written contracts!!!

Also, document all efforts you have made to earn your finder’s fee.
Before you introduce a buyer to a seller, have the seller acknowledge in writing that they have agreed to pay you a finder’s fee of so much upon successful completion of a sale. After obtaining a properly executed written contract (which may be a simple one page letter agreement), inform the person by written correspondence (sent by registered mail) about the buyer.

Keep all copies of correspondence and other written documentation in case it becomes necessary to enforce your rights later. Proper documentation should help you to avoid any misunderstandings.
Just as the business that sells something pays its sales staff, likewise the seller generally pays the finder’s fee.

The seller is the one that makes a profit from the sale and so usually is the one that pays commissions or finder’s fees.

However, if a buyer is particularly anxious to buy something, he might offer a finder’s fee.

Therefore, it is possible to collect such fees from either the seller or the buyer.

It is possible to find finder’s fees opportunities offered in magazines, newspapers, and newsletters.

You can find additional opportunities by doing your own research.

Use your contacts, reference and phone books at the library, the Internet, persons you know (or don’t know) who might have the information you need, as well as other sources to find what is needed.

For example, if someone tells you they can’t find a pilot with an airplane outfitted with geophysical survey equipment, have you considered talking to airport employees, pilots, business acquaintances, exploration companies and manufacturers?

Make sure that all your communications and dealings (telephone, correspondence, letterheads, contracts, et cetera) reflect the professional nature of your business.

You must be willing to do the necessary legwork and research required to earn your finder’s fee.

As well, you must project a business-like, professional image and protect yourself with written contracts and other documentation.

Above all, you must follow through and diligently apply what you have learned. In that way, you, too, will become a highly paid professional finder.

To find out How To Make a Fortune in Finder’s Fees in Regulated Fields, as a Consultant, and on the Internet, read the rest of this Special Report: How To Make A Fortune In Finder’s Fees >>> HERE


Many people dream of opening their own business. Having your own business allows you to be your own boss and make the decisions yourself. However, most businesses are very hard to start and take a lot of initial investment. That is why a home-based mail order or direct mail business is such a great idea.

A home based mail order business can be based out of your home, so there is no need to rent an office or buy a storefront. The overhead on a home based mail order business is very low, and the initial investment is small. This means you don’t have to already be successful and wealthy to start your business.

Mail order businesses also have a very high profit potential. The more you put in, the more you get from it. The product will be the heart of your home-based mail order business, so you want to make sure you choose products that are right for a mail order business, and will sell.
You can either buy the products, or you can make it yourself. You want to sell products that are small, light, and easy to ship. This helps keep costs down, which is most important at the beginning. You want to sell products that are in demand but hard to find in stores.

You should look at other mail order business and their advertisements to see what products they are selling.

To start out, you may simply want to sell the products that are already selling well. There is no need to take a high risk when you are just getting started. Using a proven product will help you get the ball rolling. Cute knickknacks tend to do well.

Once you are ready to sell, you can take out ads to promote your product and business. You can use local print ads such as newspapers, magazines, and the Penny Saver. You can even put up signs near relevant areas. If you are selling crafts, for example, you may want to put up signs at a craft store. You can also attend shows and swap meets. There are also countless ways to promote your business online.

There are many online classifieds you can take out including Craig’s List, and you can also make posts about your product on relevant forums, such as a craft forum in our example.

Once you start selling, you can decide which advertisements are working, and which are not. You can discontinue the ads that are not producing results and find more avenues similar to the ones that are working.

One way to tell which ads are working and which are not is to use codes in the advertisements so you can tell where the orders are coming from.
A home-based mail order business is an easy and fun way to make a lot more money and be your own boss. You usually don’t need to take out a loan and you certainly don’t need to be rich to get your home mail order business going. This helps to do away with the paradox that in order to make more money and start a home business, you need to have more money to begin with.

Discover the Hidden Secrets of the Mail Order and Direct Mail Business >>> HERE




How would you like to get paid to go shopping?

That’s right!

Get paid to shop for clothes, eat in restaurants, watch movies, play golf, travel, and so on. You can have your cake and eat it too! Enjoy the best of both worlds. Make money and have fun at the same time as a mystery shopper.

What is a Mystery Shopper?

Sometimes known as a secret shopper, a mystery shopper looks like any other customer but is working undercover to perform market research or other tests on business establishments.

For example, a mystery shopper may check on the quality of service and products at a particular fast food outlet. Were the staff friendly, courteous and helpful? Were the washrooms clean? Was the food hot and tasty? Did the staff attempt to upsell? Was the order filled accurately and quickly?

Why the Need for Mystery Shoppers?

Companies are concerned about the quality of your shopping experience. If there is a problem, they would like to know about it so that they can take corrective action and keep you as a customer. For this reason, businesses hire mystery shoppers to check on their locations and report the results. As well, comparison shopping can reveal pricing and service differences of the competition. Mystery shoppers sometimes uncover safety or security concerns and other helpful information.

How To Make Money as a Mystery Shopper

You can make money as a freelance mystery shopper. Contact market research companies and other businesses to obtain clients. As an independent contractor, you will invoice clients your fees for services rendered. As well, you will be reimbursed for any direct expenses incurred (such as the cost of store purchases).

It is also possible to run your own market research company and subcontract out the work.

You would need to get business clients who are willing to pay for these secret shopping assignments. Then, find suitable people who are willing to perform those assignments for you.

Variety is the Spice of Mystery Shopping

Your assignments as a mystery shopper can be varied and interesting. One time you may eat in a fast food restaurant. Another time you may be asked to see how long it takes to get service from a company by telephone. Perhaps you may be asked to shop at a website to check out its user friendliness. Still another assignment may require you to rate the helpfulness of store staff. So, if you would like to have fun while making money, consider becoming a mystery shopper. Discover the Hidden
Secrets of Mystery Shopping >>> HERE





Your customer sees a marvelous array of products on your website. After thoughtful consideration, she purchases the product she wants. Amazingly, you have never actually seen the product. That is because your supplier shipped the order directly to her.

1. Problems With Stocking Inventory

After deciding what products you will sell, you are immediately faced with many challenges. First: “To stock my products, will I need to rent store or warehouse space? I was hoping to sell by Internet, mail order, or export, but I don’t have much storage space for inventory at home.”
Second: “Will the supplier even deal with me if I don’t have a retail location? I was counting on keeping my overhead down by operating from home.”

Third: “I know that many manufacturers and distributors have a minimum order, sometimes in the thousands of dollars. I don’t have that kind of money!”

Fourth: “Even if I did have the money, why should I tie it up in inventory? How do I know if the product will even sell?”

Fifth: “I guess I will have to add extra insurance coverage for my inventory. Maybe I better upgrade my security system while I’m at it.”

Sixth: “The shipping charges are going to kill me. First, I have to pay to get the goods here (freight-in). Then, I have to pay to ship the goods out to my customers (freight-out).”

Seventh: “If I expand and hire employees, how will I control the inventory? How will I know if my employees are stealing from me?”

Eighth: “How much time and money am I going to spend packaging and fulfilling orders?” These problems can be reduced or eliminated by drop shipping.

2. Drop Shipping to the Rescue

Drop shipping is a method of selling products without stocking inventory yourself. You don’t need to stock inventory, because you only order an item when a customer requests it. With drop shipping, when you make a sale you contact the manufacturer or authorized distributor and make arrangements to pay for the order at your wholesale cost. Your distributor then ships the product to the customer with your invoice and shipping label.

For example, let’s assume that you have just sold a product to a customer for $100.00 plus shipping charges of $15.00. Having received the customer’s payment, you now need to fax or otherwise send your order to your drop ship supplier. You will need to pay your supplier, by credit card or other means, your cost of $50.00 plus $15.00 shipping. This leaves you a $50.00 gross profit. Your supplier will now ship the product to your customer. With this arrangement of not having to stock inventory yourself, there are many advantages.

You eliminate the high costs of holding inventory. There is no need for you to rent expensive storage space, finance high minimum orders, get stuck with goods that don’t sell, or pay other expenses associated with maintaining inventory. Indirectly, you do pay inventory costs. Your drop ship supplier must maintain his inventory and pay all associated costs, including freight-in, storage space, insurance, accounting, shrinkage, and so on. To make a profit, he must pass these costs on to you. The real advantage to this drop shipping arrangement lies in keeping your costs variable. Instead of being stuck with these expenses up front, whether you sell or not, you pay only when you make a sale.

3. Profit From Drop Shipping

Many legitimate drop ship suppliers may not require you to have a retail location, but they will want to see evidence that you are in business. They may require you to produce a resale license or retail sales tax permit. To be sure, there are pitfalls to watch out for in drop shipping. For example, some suppliers claim to sell at wholesale prices but are actually selling closer to retail. Also, margins are very slim in some competitive areas, such as electronics.

However, with proper research and information, you should be able to avoid these problems. Whether from your home, retail store, directly from your website or through an online auction, you can arrange to sell an item before you purchase it.

That way you have nothing invested in inventory and won’t get stuck with stock that won’t sell. Rather than financing and stocking inventory yourself, consider drop shipping your way to wealth.

Discover the Hidden Secrets Behind Dropshipping Profits >>> HERE
To Your Health Wealth and Prosperity

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